Disclosure obligation pursuant to Section 25 of the Media Act and information obligation pursuant to Section 5 (1) of the E-Commerce Act
Media owner and publisher
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Roseggerstraße 15
4600 Wels/Austria
Tel.: +43 50804 10
Fax: +43 50804 11900
E-Mail: info@fh-ooe.at
Web: www.fh-ooe.at
UID: ATU57300325
Company registration: 236729g
Court of registry: Landesgericht Wels
Controlling authority: AQ Austria (http://www.aq.ac.at)
University President:
Dr. Gerald Reisinger
Authorized signatory:
Dr. Regina Aichinger MSc
Details of ownership/ownership structure:
Statement of purpose:
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria offers full-time and part-time degree programmes in the fields of:
- Informatics, Communications & Media
- Applied Health & Sciences
- Management
- Engineering & Environmental Sciences
This web presence promotes and supports these areas of activity.
Content and editorial responsibilty
The content and editorial responsibility lies with the Department of Digital Media and the Media Technology and Design and Digital Arts degree programs.
Image credits
The images used are taken from the work of students on the above courses.
In case of technical problems, please send your e-mail to wolfgang.hochleitner@fh-hagenberg.at
All texts on this site have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information. Liability on the part of the FH Upper Austria is therefore excluded. The links to other websites have been carefully selected. As the FH Upper Austria has no influence on their content, the FH Upper Austria accepts no responsibility for them.
The copyright lies with the FH Upper Austria.