Cave Madness 2
This is the Game Interface for the Game Cave Madness 2 of Die Rasselbande for the subject Game Design Fundamentals.
Game Interface
The Interface consists of collectable Coins, a timer, a victory screen and a gamer over screen.
There are 3 Different Screens: a game over, a victory screen and level screen. • Victory Screen: Appears after jumping through our tuff cours and going into the finish block. There is also a button where the player can decide if he wants to play again. • Game Over Screen: Appears when jumping onto the spikes that are placed in our level. • Level Interface: The Level Interface consists of a timer and a coin counter.

There is still a discussion in our group if we want to add character animations in the top right corner where the player icon is behaving in real time. If the player collects a coin, the player-icon will smile and be happy, if the player dies the icon will get sad.
Game Interface Controls
→ : Move Right
← : Move Left
↑ : Move Up
↑↑: Double Jump