Dies ist das Game Interface vom Spiel Esc 2 des Teams Errr Games für das Fach Game Design Fundamentals.

Game Interface

The Interface consists of collectable programs icons, hearts as a life indicator, a title-, win and loose screen. We also included a few animations.

Animations & Icons

Main menu

Interface: Title Screen

Winning Screen

Winning Conditions are, when the player collected every Microsoft Programm that exists in the game. In case the player wins, he will see this following Interface:

Interface: Winning Screen

Game Over Screen

If the player looses all of his 3 lifes, the player will get to see the following Interface:

Interface: You Tried!

Game Interface Prototype


→ : Move Right

← : Move Left

↑ : Jump

↑,↓ : Navigate through menu

Left Mouseclick: Confirm menu


Collect all the Windows Microsoft Programms of the level to see the victory screen!

If you get hit 3 times and loose all of you hearts, you will die and see the lose screen.

Download the Minigame: Dig Deeper Game Art Demo