Das Team Platzhalter ist ein Studierenden-Team in der Lehrveranstaltung Game Design Fundamentals im Sommersemester 2022. Es hat die folgenden Abgaben hier im Hagenberg Games Wiki veröffentlicht.

Team Platzhalter
Das Logo von Team Platzhalter

Das Logo von Team Platzhalter

Team Platzhalter in action.
Allgemeine Informationen
Lehrveranstaltung Game Design Fundamentals
Semester SS 2022
Johannes Eder
Florian Rakos
Justus Warm
Marlene Steiner
Laura Pühringer


Analysiert wurde das Spiel Roguelight.

Game Design

Link zu unserer erfunden Game hier einfügen:

Unique Selling Proposition (Was ist Einzigartig an dem Spiel?)

Target Audience (Who should play the game?)

Premise (Which story is being told? – short summary of story)

Objectives (What are the goals and the sub-goals of the game?)

Procedures (What can be done in the game – what are the abilities of players’ avatar?)

Character (Who is the character, what are his/her motives, visual appearance?)

Core-Rules (What are the most important rules within the game?)

Basic Resources (Resources? if applicable: relation of resources? –– how do the resources help the player to reach the game goals?)

Conflict (Conflicts? – which forces operate against the player to reach the game goals?)

Outcome (What is the result of the game? Victory- & defeat conditions?)

Game look (how should the game look like - collect moods)?

Game interface (how should the interface look like)?

Similar games (collect examples)?

Level Design

Game Art

Game Interface
