Goodissey: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

2.658 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  29. März 2023
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== Core Idea ==
== Core Idea ==
Goodissey is a top down, pixel art style game, in which you gather Goodies from different worlds and bring them home to build up your shop. There are four unique worlds to explore with varying resources to collect and challenges to master in order to bring your Goodies home.
Bring the right equipment – collect as much Goodies as you can – Upgrade your shop and equipment – Repeat!

== Unique Selling Points ==
== Unique Selling Points ==

Goodissey is a neatly designed exploring and build-up game, it is a relaxing experience that keeps you interested by letting you upgrade your shop, and by populating the town around you as you progress. At the launch of the game, you can explore four unique worlds in your expeditions, more are planned as DLCs. Due to the design of the game, infinite DLCs are possible, and gameplay captivates for a long time.
== Game Mechanics ==
The player has an item inventory that has to be managed before engaging in an expedition. The inventory has limited spaced that can be filled up with helpful equipment that can be used during the expedition. Different items have different importance in different worlds.
For example: The oxygen tank is vital for the water world, because it is needed nearly everywhere, but the sword is only helpful sometimes, because there are only a few spots with enemies.
The player has to decide what he needs for what expedition.
The player can upgrade his tools, his inventory spaces, and the shop as a whole. Tool upgrades improves their usefulness and help the player advance further into the worlds during expeditions. Inventory upgrades let the player bring more tools and therefore help the player gather more resources while on expeditions. Shop upgrades are expensive but give the player milestones to reach, a higher level shop sells better tool and inventory upgrades and also brand new tools.
The player chooses which world to travel to for an expedition, during which he collects as many Goodies (=resources) as he can and tries to bring them home. Unique obstacles hinder the player to stay in the world, which the player can fight with his tools. Every Tool helps the player in some way in every world, but every world has a main feature that makes one specific tool essential, like an oxygen tank in the water world, a sword in the monster world, tinder boxes for the shadow world and running shoes for the plant world.
There are more tools that help the player in some way, but those 4 are the main tools for the four worlds.
'''Basic Mechanics:'''
Player Movement (WASD)
Tool Use (SPACE)
Switch Tool (Q – E)
Gather Resource (by moving over them)

== Game Mechanics ==
Navigate through shop with Mouse

== Setting ==
== Setting ==
