Crazy Sauces: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Änderung 7022 von Marco.pongratz (Diskussion) rückgängig gemacht.)
Markierung: Rückgängigmachung
Zeile 102: Zeile 102:
==User Interface==
==User Interface==
The User Interface ingame is kept simple, mostly consisting of a few checkboxes and prompts. There will also be an interface for the "Saucepedia" and the Sauce Score cards at the end.[[Datei:UI doodles.png|alternativtext=Sketch showing game Ui. It involves button prompts, objective prompts, checkboxes for ingredients, a "sauce-pedia" and a sauce score card.|mini|A sketch showing the Ui|links|300x300px]]
The User Interface ingame is kept simple, mostly consisting of a few checkboxes and prompts. There will also be an interface for the "Saucepedia" and the Sauce Score cards at the end.[[Datei:UI doodles.png|alternativtext=Sketch showing game Ui. It involves button prompts, objective prompts, checkboxes for ingredients, a "sauce-pedia" and a sauce score card.|mini|A sketch showing the Ui|links|300x300px]]

== Asset Liste==
== Asset Liste==