Diese Seite enthält zusätzliche Materialien und Ressourcen zur Lehrveranstaltung Game Production. Um über Änderungen informiert zu werden, kann die Seite beobachtet werden.

Game Vision

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Game Design Vision Statements Kurze Beschreibung zum Thema "Game Vision" Gregory Avery-Weir (Future Proof Games) https://futureproofgames.com/blog/2020/02/11/game-design-vision-statements/

Game Design

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See How Others Built Their Games! Game Design Dokumente verschiedener Spiele (Diablo, DOOM Bible, Silent Hill 2 uvm.) Gamescrye https://gamescrye.com/resources/game-design-documents/
Race'n'Chase Game Design Game Design Dokument für Grand Theft Auto aus dem Jahr 1995. DMA Design Ltd http://classes.dma.ucla.edu/Winter12/157A/doc2/gta_gdd.pdf
From the Vault – The BioShock Pitch Teil 1 des originalen BioShock Pitch Dokuments Irrational https://irrationalgames.ghoststorygames.com/insider/from-the-vault-may/
From the Vault – Part Two of the Bioshock Pitch Teil 2 des originalen BioShock Pitch Dokuments Irrational https://irrationalgames.ghoststorygames.com/insider/from-the-vault-june/
The Unfinished Swan - a postmortem interview with creator Ian Dallas Post-mortem Interview zu den Themen Inspiration, Pacing und Experience in Unfinished Swan Ryan Taljonick https://www.gamesradar.com/unfinished-swan-postmortem-interview-creator-ian-dallas/
Unfinished Swan - Post-mortem Interview Video-Interview im Ian Dallas von Unfinished Swan über die Rezeption des Spiels Unfinished Swan GameTrailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ASpP4Jl84
The Witness: how Jonathan Blow rejected game design rules to make a masterpiece Kurzer Artikel über die Herangehensweise von "The Witness" Director Jonathan Blow Jordan Erica Webber (The Guardian) https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/09/the-witness-how-jonathan-blow-rejected-game-design-rules-to-make-a-masterpiece
The Witness creator Jonathan Blow on creating one of 2016’s most intriguing games Jonathan Blow über Elemente von "The Witness": Puzzle-Schwierigkeit, Emotionen und die Beziehung zwischen Spieler*in und Spiel Justin Massongill (PlayStation Blog) https://blog.playstation.com/archive/2015/09/21/the-witness-creator-jonathan-blow-on-creating-one-of-2016s-most-intriguing-games/
Crafting A Tiny Open World: A Short Hike Postmortem A GDC talk about the game "A Short Hike" Adam Robinson-Yu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW8gWgpptI8


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Designing Journey Über das Designen von Emotionen im Spiel Journey Jenova Chen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGCkVHSvjzM&t=2471s
Storytelling Tools to Boost Your Indie Game's Narrative and Gameplay 30 min über Gestaltung von Stories in Games Mata Haggis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fXE-E1hjKk&ab_channel=GDC

Level Design

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Pre-production Wie man einen Level mit Mechaniken, Experience Goals und Pillars plant. The Level Design Book https://book.leveldesignbook.com/process/preproduction
Layout Wie man ein top-down Leveldiagramm erstellt. The Level Design Book https://book.leveldesignbook.com/process/layout
Super Mario Bros 3 Level Design Lessons, Part 1 Detaillierte Analyse der ersten Welt in Super Mario Bros 3. Radek Koncewicz https://www.significant-bits.com/super-mario-bros-3-level-design-lessons/
Super Mario Bros 3 Level Design Lessons, Part 2 Analyse von speziellen Level Design Entscheidungen in Super Mario Bros 3. Radek Koncewicz https://www.significant-bits.com/super-mario-bros-3-level-design-lessons-part-2/
How to design levels for a platformer Level Design Guide für Platformer. Überblick zu Skizzen und Prozessen. Diorgo Jonkers http://devmag.org.za/2011/07/04/how-to-design-levels-for-a-platformer/


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Trello Tutorial - Basics Guide in 10 Minuten - Wichtigste Funktionen erklärt Wie verwende ich Trello für Studienprojekte Vincent Benedikt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvL6iDxS8xA&t=93s&ab_channel=VincentBenedikt
Game Production Project Planning Tips für Stories & laufende Projektplanung GAP_IL Game Production Project Planning
Buiding your backlock with Projects Projektplanung mit Projekten in GitHub GitHub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT0VMdx7vuI

Kostenlose Low Poly Modelle

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Unity Asset Store Bereits für Unity aufbereitete Assets Unity/Various Artists https://assetstore.unity.com/?category=3d&free=true&orderBy=1
Google Poly (Backup) Gratis 3D Assets ehem. von Google gehostet Various artists https://poly.pizza/
itch.io Game Assets Gratis 3D Low Poly Packages & Assets von verschiedenen Artists itch.io/Various artists https://itch.io/game-assets/free/tag-low-poly
OpenGameArt.org Open Source, Creative Commons or Public Domain Game Assets OpenGameArt/Various Artists https://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=10&sort_by=count&sort_order=DESC

PR & Kommunikation

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The Anatomy of an Indie Game Press Kit Template für Press Kit & Pr-Page Tim Ruswick https://gdu.io/blog/press-kit-template/


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Low FPS: How to improve your game's performance in Unity 3D Ein Artikel mit Ursachen für mögliche Perfomanceprobleme und Herangehensweisen, um diese zu beheben Bryan Marsh https://canopy.procedural-worlds.com/library/deep-dives/performance/low-fps-how-to-improve-your-games-performance-in-unity-3d-r6/