Magischer Kater

Aus Wiki

This was done within UE03 Level Design by Team Void for Game Design Fundamentals.

Layout des Levels


About the Game

In this game, you play as a Magician, who has to fight and jump her way through a fantastical land.
The traditional jump-and run formula was expanded, by adding a "MAAAGIC" mechanic to the game.
While there are no cats in the game, "Magischer Kater" refers to the state one of the teammembers found himself in while "working" on the game.

About the level

The Magician

"MAAAGIC" particle effect

Startpoint and checkpoints

Intro and Outro

A magical obstacle

Magic potion, which enhances your jump




Use your arrow keys to move and Ctrl to make "MAAAGIC" happen.


The game was made within [1], with the assets being drawn in
"Magischer Kater" was originaly intended as an autorun, similar to Temple Run. Due to time constraints and magical cats, this feature has yet to be implemented.


The game can be played here: Datei:GrausigeKaffeesuppe THEGAME(2).c3p

  1. [[1]]