House of Lazar

Aus Wiki
House of Lazar
StudioOnlyGames Group
PlattformWindows, macOS
GenreAbenteuer, Indie

This is a Game concept for House of Lazar, made by N-Gons.

Unique Selling Proposition

Target Audience


You're on the search for your lost brother, who was last seen in your ancestors home. After finding no clues in the house you notice that you can't leave and you're no longer in the present time.


Find your brother, figure out whats behind your family's history and finally get back to the present.


You have to solve different mysteries in the House, which is done by investigating evidence that lead you to different rooms, objects or times.


The protagonist is Felica Lazar, a 25 year old physics student in Romania, who is trying to find her brother that went missing while investigating their abandoned ancestral home.


You’re not able to leave the house. You have to travel through the time and solve tasks and puzzles to save your brother.

Basic Resources

The game has no resources.  


Many difficult puzzles with different levels of difficulty but also the time is a big enemy from lazar.


The game results in Lazar finding her brother and bringing him back to the present time.

Game Look

The game has a realistic look with realistic textures and lighting, the lighting changes with different time periods.

The game should be in the style of the pictures below.

Game Interface

The game only has a small interface for the inventory of the objects you picked up (e.g . keys, wallets,...), which are needed for certain situations.

Similar Games

The game reminds of "what remains of edith finch"