"Lily and the Graveyard Ghosts" is a game concept and prototype for the course Game Production of summer semester 2024, Digital Arts. This page is still unfinished and will be updated in the course of this semester.

Lily and the Graveyard Ghosts
PlattformWindows & macOS

Team List and Lead Roles

Name Responsibility
Jana Greiter Lead Programming, Game Art, Level Design
Janah Helly Lead Project Management, Lead Audio
Luise Kain Lead Game Design, Game Art
Samuel Klancnik Lead Level Design, Game Art, Story
Josefina Münstermann Lead Art, Lead Story

Vision Statement

"Lily and the Graveyard Ghosts" is a walking simulator with puzzle elements where you play as Lily, a young graveyard keeper. You can talk to ghosts to listen to their stories or problems and try to help them out. Throughout the game you get to explore the graveyard and unravel its age-old mysteries.

Game Mechanics

Basic mechanics/gameplay: Walk around - Talk to ghost - Carry out task - Repeat

Player Mechanics:

  • the player is able to walk around and sprint. Maybe crouch? You are also able to talk to ghosts (and maybe able to make choices) and interact with your environment (e.g. clean a ghosts grave)
  • Lily will also get a lantern she can use for light. She can also put it away or get it out whenever she chooses

Ghost Mechanics:

  • the ghosts appear around the graveyard (walking/floating around)
  • they talk to you about the happenings around the graveyard, giving you tasks, hints and information about themselves or your uncle
  • once you helped them, they may find peace and disappear
  • possible added animations to the ghost depending on their character

Level Mechanics:

  • there are different ghosts that spawn depending on which night you are currently playing (3 nights)
  • depending on your progress you can open up new areas around the graveyard, sometimes by using acquired items
  • maybe implement changes in the environment such as candles going out

Level Design



After receiving a letter from her uncle telling her that she has inherited his graveyard, Lily, our protagonist, wakes up in her new cottage by the graveyard for her first night shift as the graveyard keeper. She is welcomed by Edna, a friendly ghost who helps her navigate her new environment. Now it is Lily’s job to seek out the ghosts residing in her graveyard and help them find closure with their lives. As she helps more and more ghosts, bits and pieces of her uncle’s story are revealed. Additionally, the graveyard may not be all it seems, as Lily will soon start to uncover the secrets hidden in the tunnels beneath.

User Interface

Scribbles and sketches of all user interfaces and, if necessary, textual description.

Asset List

A bullet point list, table or link on spreadsheet with all assets used in the game (2D, 3D, sound). If assets are more complex, please describe them in detail.

If Asset Packages are used, please provide links to the respective packages here.

Asset Group Type Animated Variations Notes
Start screen UI 2D would be funnnn Start, Options, Credits, Quit
Pause menu UI 2D Resume, Options, Quit to Main Menu, Quit (in the corner or sth)
Options menu UI 2D Volume, Graphics (optional), Display, Controls (at least to view the mappings)
Gravestone Environment 3D a lot.
Fence/Wall Environment 3D some A kit would be cool
Closed grave candle Environment 3D Yes 2 off and with fire flicker anim
Lantern Item 3D Yes 2 off and with fire flicker anim
Door Environment Sound some normal doors and huge chunky door for mausoleum
Dialogue bubble UI 2D 2 one for Lily and one for the ghosts (maybe 3 if talk to multiple ghosts possible?
Lily portrait UI 2D some different emotions
Ghost portrait UI 2D yes all the different ghosts we have
Lily's cottage Environment 3D inside & outside
Big tree Environment 3D yes wind anim
Forest Environment 3D/2D yes some maybe just 2D planes, since it's the background. wind anim
War memorial Environment 3D
Gate Environment 3D yes for forest entrance and mausoleum section. open/close anim
Mausoleum Environment 3D yes smaller, non-walkable ones
Big mausoleum Environment 3D for entrance to catacombs
Character models Character 3D yes yes all of our ghost characters, simple idle animation
Tool shed Environment 3D plus tools
Keys Item 3D 3-5
Hedgecutter Item 3D
Violin Item 3D 2 broken & repaired
Old Grave Environment 3D
Catacombs Environment 3D spooky
Hedge Environment 3D a few
Gate Environment 3D perhaps a bit broken?
War memorial Environment 3D
Footsteps Character Sound yes
Menu click UI Sound & hover if we have time
Open pause UI Sound
Advance conversation UI Sound
Talking UI Sound yes Either VA or sounds fitting the character
Pick up Character Sound yes depending on item
Interact Character Sound
Breathing Character Sound yes
Atmo Environment Sound yes
Music Music Sound maybe background, menu, credits


  • Pr-Page: Link to the PR-page of our game (as soon as available)
  • Repository: Github
  • Project planning: Github Project