Clone Nr. 5

Aus Wiki

This is a game art concept made by Team Schrödinger inside of a bag inside of a bag for Game Design Fundamentals.


Clone Nr. 5 is an expansion of the game BNNUY, in which the main bunny character can clone himself several times to solve various puzzles and overcome obstacles. The fifth clone is a very special one: the Autism Bunny. After escaping from the experimental laboratory (as the only clone besides the original, non-clone bunny), he now roams the streets, perpetually searching for a purpose. Unfortunately, several so-called "Abes" (ableists - cheap, we know -) are in his way. Since he is techniqually a creature of a more passive nature, he would rather avoid conflicts and direct confrontations by...well, rolling. He can do this by eating enough Autism Coins or carrots; his head grows until he finally takes enough momentum to eventually roll over the city (secret ending).


Game Characters

As Autism Bunny explores the city, he can unlock several hidden features such as different hats he gets to wear. And guess what: these hats do nothing to help you as you play the game other than distracting you by how incredibly cute they make Autism Bunny look. You´re oh so welcome.


Game Environment

As the game nears its end, the city tilts slightly downwards, leading up to a ramp-like cliff. Autism bunny then flies over the edge and buries the city in the valley below beneath his very, very big head. This moment is undoubtedly the peak of his cuteness. We are thinking about adding in applause. Here are a couple animations to showcase his undeniable beauty and grace as he jumps and explodes.

Fake Screenshot

This is not a fake screenshot. Autism Bunny is real and he is coming to your city next (purchase tour tickets on!

