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Ende 2024
PlattformWindows und Mac
PEGI ab 18
PEGI ab 18

Seite für das Spiel APATHY vom Team FEmily

Pitch Grundlagen

Unique Selling Proposition

APATHY is a story-based action game in 3D design. Rose, an abused and enslaved girl becomes a vengeful killer and, after being reborn as a god with her friend Apollyon, she realizes that their existence threatens to destroy everything they've worked for and plans to kill Apollyon and herself. Thus becoming the "treacherous goddess" whose sole objective is to appearently bring about the world's ruin, but in reality save the world from the omnipotent powers.

With a dark atmosphere and a sad and action-packed soundtrack, this game creates a depressing mood. The art style is based on medieval places. The perspective is in third person view.

Target Audience

The game is aimed at players aged 18+ due to the disturbing content.


Rose had never experienced peace in her life due to her cruel and abusive mother, who constantly whipped her until she lost all sensation in her back. Despite her hardships, Rose accepted that she was an unwanted child and a burden to her mother's livelihood. Eventually, her mother sold her into slavery. Rose found solace in a fellow slave girl whom she trusted and decided to call Cyan based on the color of her eyes. Together, they planned to steal as much gold as they could carry and escape town. But as they ran towards the town gate, Cyan's regular customer was waiting for them. Cyan betrayed Rose, revealing that she only needed her to carry away more gold. Rose was caught by the enslavers and brought back. Out of fury, she decided to make an escape by killing everyone by herself. She wandered to a city where she encountered a man whose name was unknown. He was one of the customers where she worked as a slave, but even though they recognized each other, Rose couldn't bring herself to kill him when he approached her. They lived together in a small house and shared a quaint life of peace together. However, Rose contracted a deadly and highly contagious illness.

The man, out of fear for his life, abandoned her and tried to sell her into slavery once again. Rose was deeply hurt by his decision and killed the man by cutting off his head, noting that he looked surprised in his final moment. As she once again began to wander, Rose became hateful due to her resentment of the world. Subconsciously, she decided to kill anyone in sight, regardless of age or gender. Even though she knew her actions were wrong, Rose found that she had no real justification for doing so. Rose was ultimately caught once again when her illness became too much for her to bear. She was placed in a cell with another boy named Apollyon and quickly formed a deep connection with him. They shared stories and dreams, and for the first time in her life, Rose felt like she had a real friend. Apollyon was subject to horrible torture, unlike Rose, who was simply given a few lashes. Ultimately, Apollyon died of his injuries, leaving Rose alone once again.

With nothing left to live for, Rose's illness caught up with her, and she started coughing blood. In her last moments, she gazed upon a beautiful pink tree. The tree secretly harbored godly powers and decided to give Rose and Apollyon another chance, so they were reborn as gods.


The game has 4 endings. The main goal of the game is that at the end is that the two main characters die.

In the game you go through the different levels and life situations of the main character.

  1. Ende:
  2. Ende:
  3. Ende:
  4. Ende:


Der Hauptcharakter ist ausgerüstet mit einer Lampe und einer Spitzhacke.

Mit der Spitzhacke könne Wände zerbrochen beziehungsweise durchbrochen werden und manche Objekte zerstört werden.

Die Öllampe spendet Licht, allerdings zieht das Licht der Lampe auch die Aufmerksamkeit der Kreatur auf sich und man wird leichter entdeckt. Mit der Lampe können auch Dinge angezündet werden, was in der Lösung von Puzzlen beziehungsweise zur Ablenkung des Monsters dient.

Ansonsten kann der Charakter mit Objekten der Spielewelt interagieren wie beispielweise Boxen verschieben, Schalter und Kräne bedienen, Minenwägen anschieben beziehungsweise einsteigen usw. Weiters bieten manche Objekte die Möglichkeit sich zu verstecken, was in den Verfolgungsjagden nötig sein wird.



Rose is the protagonist of this video game. She is a violent and impulsive person, but the one word that defines Rose the best is Apathy. Roses mortal past caused her to have very little sympathy or guilt towards the destruction and death she has caused. Even though Rose is very indifferent to her lonelines, she is not beyond the point of return, She is capable of feeling and trusting and empathy. The one thing that remains consistent throughout her entire lifespan, is her understanding of power and what that brings, and also what happens if you lack that.

Basic Resources

In APATHY there are not really resources. The bestowed powers of the magic tree are their weapons.


Konflikte gibt es in Form von Rätseln, die den Weg versperren, der Kreatur die auf der Jagd nach dem Protagonisten ist und der Kombination dieser beiden. Weiters haben gewisse Rätsel Zeitlimits die den Druck etwas erhöhen sollen.


Hat man alle Level abgeschlossen, erhält man, je nachdem ob man alle Collectibles eingesammelt hat oder nicht, das "gute" oder das "schlechte" Ende.

Man hat das Spiel verloren wenn man es nicht schafft innerhalb des Zeitlimits die Rätsel zu lösen oder wenn man von der Kreatur erwischt wird.

Es gibt zwei Wege, das Spiel zu beenden. Entweder man findet alle Notizen und löst die Rätsel und hat somit das gute Ende.

Andernfalls gibt es auch das schlechte Ende, in dem man seine psychischen Probleme nicht überwinden kann, von der Kreatur namens Seppuku eingeholt wird und schließlich stirbt.

Game look

APATHY ist ein 3D Spiel, welches im Mittelalter spielt. Die Perspektive ist ähnlich wie in Spielen wie Pokemon oder Titan Souls in Top Down gewählt. Besonders viel Wert wird auch auf die Farbpalette gelegt, welche zu Beginn mit viel grau und braun die noch recht "normale" Minenästhetik widerspiegeln soll. Allerdings wird die Umgebung mit fortschreitender Tiefe in der Mine immer höllischer. Als Akzentfarbe wurde ein grelles Gelb gewählt welches das selbe Gelb des Arbeiterhelms des Charakters ist. Die Akzentfarbe wird meist verwendet um wichtige Dinge in der Umgebung hervorzuheben.

Die Kreatur selbst ist hellgrau mit langen Armen und langen Beinen (eher unproportional), hat lange schwarze Klauen, rote Augen, einen blutverschmierten Mund, der immer breit lächelt.

Game Interface

Bis auf die regulären Einstellungsmenüs benötigt das Game nicht wirklich ein Interface beziehungsweise HUD. Ein kleiner Indikator erscheint über dem Charakter wenn er mit einem Objekt interagieren kann.

Similar Games

Inspirations for this game are various fantasy games.

Games with similar mechanics would be Final Fantasy series.

Mood Board

Game Mood Board

Game Art

Character Design

Charakter Illustration

Charakter Sprite

Enemy Design

Kreatur Illustration

Kreatur Sprite

Environment Design


Fake Screenshot

Fake Screenshot

Game Art Prototype

Demolevel hier herunterladen: Layers - Game Art Demo