Sleepless Night

Aus Wiki
OriginaltitelSleepless Night


  • Pr-Page: Link zur PR-Page des Spiels
  • Repository: Link zum Game-Repository
  • Projektplanung: Link zum Projektplan

Rollen und Aufgaben im Team

Beschreiben Sie hier, welche Personen im Team sind und welche Rollen (Projektmanagement, Game Design, Level Design, Story, Art (3D), Sound oder Programmierung) die einzelnen Personen übernehmen.

Vision Statement

Der Kern, die Botschaft oder die wichtigsten Aspekte eures Spiels in wenigen Sätzen (und/oder Bildern) zusammengefasst.


Ca. 100 Wörter um die wichtigste(n) Mechanik(en) des Spiels zu beschreiben.

Level Design

Beschreibung des/der Game Level(s) mit einem annotierten Level Diagramm und optionaler textuelle Beschreibung.

Enemy Design


  • Based on the game’s story and mechanic, the enemies (monsters/ ghosts) should be designed in the direction of a combination between psychological and biological horror.
  • The enemies will have enough mystery elements (through silhouette, movement, and surrounding objects) which will be combined with sound and level design to create unstable feelings and insecurity for the player and keep them in a state of alert during the game.
  • Monsters will also have a certain level of detail (body shapes, expressions, functions) to scare and surprise the player in a encounter. The design complexity increases in game’s phases and will be matched with the panic scale (discomfort, fear of losing control, fear of dying etc.).


Figure 1.3 (right)
Figure 1.4 (left)



The main character of Sleepless Night is a young girl, who is plagued by sleeplessness. At night, the objects in her dark room transform into monsters, which can only be stopped by directing her flashlight at them. But the battery of the flashlight is not endless, so from time to time you have to be brave enough to crawl under your blanket and manually recharge it. In Sleepless Night, the story is only a subtle feature instead of a significant component. Therefore, the player can go through the game without paying attention to the story, but also has the option to really reflect on the few snippets of storyline throughout the game, and take the gaming experience to a deeper level. The underlying story is being indicated through around three cutscenes with text, which do not explicitly give the player a clear idea of what it is all about, but rather encourage to interpret the story themself.

User Interface

For Sleepless Night, we decided to keep the UI during the gameplay as discreet as possible in order not to disrupt the horror experience and to allow the player to really immerse into the setting. The menu screen is kept rather simple for the same reason. <gallery mode="packed-hover">

Asset Liste

Eine Aufzählung (Bullet Points), Tabelle oder Link auf Spreadsheet mit allen im Spiel verwendeten Assets (2D, 3D, Sound). Sollten Assets aufwändiger sein, bitte ausführlich beschreiben.

Sollten Asset Packages verwendet werden, bitte hier Links auf die jeweiligen Packages angeben.