This is a Game Design concept from the team Kabeljau.

Less Than Qualified
A heist game
PlattformWindows, MacOS, PS4, PS5, XBox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Nintendo Switch
GenreHeist game
SpielmodusSingle Player
PEGI ab 12 Jahren empfohlen
PEGI ab 12 Jahren empfohlen



You are the coordinator for a heist team - but everything goes wrong. From the safety of your van, you use your hacking abilities to guide your operatives through a building to steal valuable artefacts.

Target Audience

Whether you are a hardcore real-time-strategy player, a casual couch gamer or a mum who wants to have a little fun after work - this hilarous heist game has an appeal for everyone. The age rating is 12 and up.


You want your team to steal the artefact(s?) and escape with as few incidents as possible. Unlock all the quirky and diverse characters to carry out the perfect heist and discover every ending.

Game Mechanics

Your role in the team is to coordinate it, meaning:

  • Hack electronic devices inside the building to guide your team, distract enemies and ensure chaos.
  • Give commands to your team to get them to move, hide, interact, attack and distract.
  • Put together your team and learn the operatives’ quirksYour role in the team is to coordinate it - meaning:
  • Hack electronic devices inside the building to guide your team, distract enemies and ensure chaos.
  • Give commands to your team to get them to move, hide, interact, attack and distract.
  • Put together your team and learn the operatives’ quirks.


You play as a hacker, who is set out to carry out the heist despite their utterly uncapable team.

This game features a wide variety of NPCs that have their own characteristics and quirks.

  • The cleaner
    • Obsessed with cleanliness - won't touch door handles.
  • The crafter
    • Uses suction cups to move on walls and ceilings, but is slow and gets stuck on puddles.
  • Shotgun Shelly
    • She's a trigger happy fella, prone to shooting everyone in sight - even team mates!
  • Mudman
    • He despises shoes for some reason... leaving footprints in his mud trail everywhere.
  • Revid
    • They are fish. Fish can't breathe air, so they are wearing a fish tank as a helmet. Due to the water hose, they can only go so far. Don't lead them around lots of corners or the hose could rip.
  • Ritterrösti
    • An austrian knight, still relying on his trustworthy armor for every job he does. Unfortunately, that means he is very bad at stealth.
  • Poseidon
    • How he ever agreed to this mission is beyond you. However, his guard-distracting-abilities are superb. You don't know if it's the whales he can summon or the fact, that he's topless.
  • Linus S. A.
    • Linus is a sorcerer. Actually, he's a sorcerer's apprentice, who's failed his sorcerer's exam. He has little cheerful little will-o'-wisps that follow him everywhere.

Concept art :3 (placeholders from team gadse for now):


Basic Recources

As you succeed in heists and sell the artefacts, you gain money. Use the money to hire new operators for your missions.

For computing-intense hacks, you have to wait for it to complete before able to interact with anything else. The camera feeds are still running, although they are dropping frames.


There are multiple, possible outcomes of every heist mission:

  • Bring your team back alive with the artefact
  • Bring your team back alive without the artefact
  • Lose your whole team
  • Bring back some of your team with the artefact
  • Bring back some of your team without the artefact
  • All employees live
  • All employees die
  • Some employees die
  • Everyone dies (Shotgun Shelly killed everyone in the building and comes back to your van)

Game Interface

The user interface is completely diegetic, even the main menu and ingame menus (OS windows on the main screen are used for this purpose).

The UI concept of Less Than Qualified

Art Style

The overall look of the game is done in a simple, colourful 3D art style. The OS interface is inspired by computers in the early 2000s (like Windows XP).

Games with a similar artstyle:

A Short Hike, Moving Out, untitled goose game, Donut County

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