
Aus hagenberg.games Wiki
27 February 2012
PlattformWindows, Nintendo Switch(Remake)
Spiel-EngineRPG Maker 2000 RPG Maker MV (Remake)
GenreAdventure Game

The following is an analysis of the game Ib, produced by Tarnished.


What is so special about it?

IB is a known classic of the RPG Maker Horror Genre. It entices with both a rich story and terrifying obstacles to overcome.

Are similar games available?

There exist other known classic RPG Maker Horror Games such as Witches House and Mad Father.


What is the theme of the game?

The game features Themes of Isolation and Loneliness.

How is the theme communicated to the Player?

The Character Ib loses track of her parents and gets lost inside a painting. The other main characters also express the themes by wanting to escape the world together.

Gibt es Referenzen auf anderen Medien zu diesem Motiv?

Parallel zum Spiel gibt es von Rusty Lake einen Kurfilm der ebenfalls die selbe Story vermittelt.

Player Experience

What does the Player feel when he plays the gane?

The player for the most part feels a sense of oppression and fear. There are calmer sections in the game, which serve as a breather from the Horror.

What elements contribute to the experience (example: feeling weak or in danger - limited resources)?

There are multiple monsters in the game that chase the player. The player cannot fight the monsters directly but instead must flee. Each time the Monsters hit the player he loses one of a limited number of lives.

Does the experience change during interaction time?


What is the main story of the game?

A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents.

While observing the many exhibits, she suddenly realizes she is alone.

And in her search for others, she finds things awry in the gallery...

Games of emergence and game of progression?

Die Storyline ist vorprogrammiert = Game of Progression

How is the story communicated (dialogues, cutscenes, player inetraction, etc.)?

Über Rätsel und kurze Filmepisoden erfährt man immer mehr über die Storyline.


What is the setting of the game (sci-fi, fantasy, acient greece, etc.)?

The entire Story takes place inside a fantasy world set inside a painting.

How is the setting communicated (architecture, lighting, interface, characters)?

The World features a lot of paintings and painting related areas. (For example there is one section where the entire world is drawn in crayon).

Are there references depicted from real life?

The game contains references to famous paintings.


Who is the protagonist of the game?

A young girl named Ib.

What are the characteristics of the character?

Cause of her young age Ib can be very naive, innocent, easily frightened and very sensitive to others. She also doesn´t like to express her feelings very much.

Can the player relate to the character? Why?

Ib is just a little girl who lost her parents and tries to find them again, so we think that nearly everyone can relate with her to at least some degree. Everyone of us was at least one time in his life in a similar situation. Who hasn´t lost his parents in the Supermarket, got scared and tried to find them again.


What is the main goal of the game?

To find a way out of the painted world and get back to the real one to reunite with her parents.

Does the game include any sub goals?

Stück für Stück die Rätsel zu lösen und aus den Räumen zu entkommen.


How can the player carry out actions in the game?

The player has to explore the world with Ib and interact with other people by pressing spacebar or z when he is near them.

How can the character be controlled?

You can move around with the arrow keys of your keyboard, open your inventory/menu with x, interact with z/spacebar and with shift you can go to the main menu of the game.

Grundlegende Ressourcen

Was sind die grundlegenden Ressourcen im Spiel (Münzen, Leben etc.)?

Man fängt ohne Ressourcen an und sammelt über den Verlauf des Spiels Gegenstände auf.

Wie sind die Beziehungen der einzelnen Ressourcen zueinander (z.B. Kaufen von Leben mit Münzen)?

Man kann Gegenstände kombinieren, wie zum Beispiel eine Zigarre und Zündhölzer (ergibt angezundene Zigarre).

Wie sind die Ressource beschaffen (permanent oder vergänglich)?

Viele Gegenstände werden verbraucht, andere (z.B. brauner Mantel) werden das ganze Spiel getragen.

Beispiele für Ressourcen (z.B. Munition, Leben etc.)

Zigarre, Schlüssel, Zündhölzer, Glasauge, Fischhaken, etc.


Does the game provide any conflicts?

Man weiß nicht wer der schwarze Schatten ist, von dem man das Gefühl hat er würde einem verfolgen.

What is the nature of these conflicts?

Der Schatten taucht dauernd in Spiegel, Schlüssellöchern und an Stellen an den man ihn nicht erwarten würde auf.

How can the player resolve the conflicts?

Desto mehr Rätsel gelöst werden, desto mehr weiß man über die Story und den Hauptcharakter Dale.

Are other players involved in the conflict?


What are the results of the game?

Man erfährt mehr über den Protagonisten und den Mord den er versucht zu lösen.

What are the victory conditions?

Die Bedingungen für den Sieg sind alle Rätsel zu lösen.

What are the defeat conditions?

Eine Niederlage gibt es im Spiel nicht wirklich. Man hat keine andere Möglichkeit außer alle Rätsel zu lösen, ansonsten kommt man nicht weiter.

Visual Style

What is the visual style of the game?

Der Stil ist sehr cartoony mit Retroelementen.

Are other games referenced?

Die anderen Spiele der Serie, als auch die "Don't Starve" Spiele von Klei Entertainment verwenden einen ähnlichen Stil.

Is the art style inspired by real life?

Eine Inspiration für das Spiel soll die Serie Twin Peaks sein.