This is a Game Design concept from the team Skeleton Crew.

Journey Through Life
StudioSkeleton Crew
PublisherSkeleton Crew
Leitende EntwicklerAngelika Müller

Beatrice Lazar

Jolanda Abasolo

Lilli Vogl

Lea Pauer
in Planung
PlattformYour mom
GenreIndie Adventure, Cozy
SpielmodusSingle Player
PEGI ab 3+ Jahren empfohlen
PEGI ab 3+ Jahren empfohlen



The protagonist is on a journey to find a peaceful and beautiful place for them and their partner to live.


The main goal is to find a place to settle down. During the game you have to fill your journal.

Target Audience

People of every age, who want to find peace and coziness in a game. Perfect to escape from the everyday-stress.

Game Mechanics

Journey Through Life is a jump'n'run and visual novel game, where you travel through 5 different countries. You have to interact with civilians, do some tasks and find out some background stories about the places you are visiting.

You keep every experience in a journal, where you can let your creativity run free. It's up to you, if you want to take pictures, draw some doodles, collect things and much more to expand your journal.

The more the story proceeds, the more the player finds out about the motive of the protagonist and the relationship between them and their partner.


You can choose between 2 middle-aged characters. The one you choose becomes the main character, the other character is your sick partner.

They are not customizeable, but you are able to choose names for the characters. Both are gender neutral.

Core Rules

Basic Resources


After filling up your journal, you are able to choose between one of the five regions you visited and live there happily. Each choice has a specific cut-scene/ending.

Game Interface

Similar Games

Crossing Grove, Spiritfarer, Animal Crossing, Wytchwood, Mutazione

Art Style

The characters consist of simple 2d-shapes and the game has a cozy feel with pastel-colors.