Lily and the Graveyard Ghosts: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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After receiving a letter from her uncle telling her that she has inherited his graveyard, Lily, our protagonist, wakes up in her new cottage by the graveyard for her first night shift as the graveyard keeper. She is welcomed by Edna, a friendly ghost who helps her navigate her new environment. Now it is Lily’s job to seek out the ghosts residing in her graveyard and help them find closure with their lives. As she helps more and more ghosts, bits and pieces of her uncle’s story are revealed. Additionally, the graveyard may not be all it seems, as Lily will soon start to uncover the secrets hidden in the tunnels beneath.
After receiving a letter from her uncle telling her that she has inherited his graveyard, Lily, our protagonist, wakes up in her new cottage by the graveyard for her first night shift as the graveyard keeper. She is welcomed by Edna, a friendly ghost who helps her navigate her new environment. Now it is Lily’s job to seek out the ghosts residing in her graveyard and help them find closure with their lives. As she helps more and more ghosts, bits and pieces of her uncle’s story are revealed. Additionally, the graveyard may not be all it seems, as Lily will soon start to uncover the secrets hidden in the tunnels beneath.
More detailed descriptions of the levels/nights in the game:
First night:
The player encounters one ghost this night and learns some basic game mechanics.
The first night begins with Lily exiting her cottage and Edna, a friendly ghost, waiting for her outside. In a quick chat she welcomes you and assures you that she will be there if you have any questions. She then points you towards your first ghost. He tasks the player to repair the violin, so the player is encouraged to look for tools. The player will find the nearby shed locked, however. Pawprints on the ground right below the keyhole lead the player to the half-buried key by the pet cemetery. With this key the player is able to enter the shed and with repairing the violin sees that there are plenty of other tools in the shed as well.
The night ends with Edna congratulating you on your first successful day and wishing you a good day’s sleep.
Ghost description:
This ghost was a great musician in his life. However, he cannot remember how to play or if he ever played, yet he still feels drawn to a broken violin laying by a grave. He asks you to repair this violin so he may find out if he only imagined his connection to music or not. After repairing the violin in the shed, he will play you a beautiful song. Once he’s finished, he will cry tears of joy as he remembers his passion for music and finds closure.
Second night:
The player encounters two ghosts this night and learns more about the graveyard and its secrets.
The second night starts about the same as the first. Edna greets the player and points them in the direction of the first ghost, a fallen soldier who cannot accept that he has died and his war has long since ended. He is beside the war memorial and laments about his fellow soldiers, yet he asks no direct task to help him find closure. Instead, the player is tasked to find a stray dog that has been bugging the ghost for quite a while now. He suggests that the dog must belong to another ghost, a bride, as he has seen the dog around her and her father’s grave repeatedly. Once the player has found her, Lily asks about the whereabouts of the grave of the bride’s father, which the bride ghost does not simply want to tell you because you are a stranger. By helping her the player gains her trust. In her task, the player is prompted to enter the forest, but it’s revealed that Lily does not really like the woods and refuses to go into them. This makes the player search for a solution elsewhere, leading them to the big tree on the hill. There, the player also finds a plaque with an inscription of her great-great-great-grandfather who planted this tree. After helping the bride, the player gets the location of the grave revealed. Once they have entered the mausoleum area with the hedge cutters, paw prints can be seen again leading to one of the mausoleums, evidently the grave of the bride’s father. Inside, the player discovers a large heavy door with a keyhole. Without any idea where the key might be, the player ends the night with the goal to ask Edna about this mysterious door tomorrow.
Ghost descriptions:
First ghost: This ghost was a soldier in his life. While he cannot remember which war he fought in or which position he held, he cannot seem to accept that his battle has been fought already. He does not ask for help directly, yet you are determined to bring him peace of mind. He does, however, suggest that you find a stray dog that has been visiting the soldier repeatedly and has annoyed him greatly. This ghost cannot be given closure within the game.
Second ghost: This ghost is found wearing a wedding dress and is clearly very upset. She tells you of her husband and how much she must have loved him, yet she cannot remember if he was just a figment of her imagination or not. She recalls the engagement happening under a big tree in a forest and that there must be a sign somewhere of that happening. She asks you to look for proof that her husband was real and that she is not alone in this world. In return, she will reveal to you where her father’s grave is. After finding the piece of bark with their initials and a unique symbol, the bride starts to weep as she now knows her husband will be waiting for her on the other side. Before disappearing, she will tell you the location of her father’s mausoleum and ask you to make sure the dog did not destroy anything there.
Third night:
The third and last night of the game starts with Lily asking Edna if she knows anything about the mysterious door in the mausoleum. She says she never really noticed, only that Lily’s uncle would spend quite a surprising amount of time in the mausoleum area, so maybe he knew of it. She recalls a key being hidden somewhere on the graveyard and hints the player towards its potential locations. Once the player has found the key and an old lantern with it in the Old Grave, they can repair the lantern in the shed and open the door in the mausoleum. When they enter the tunnels it is dark, the atmosphere of the game shifts into a slightly more spooky one. The tunnels are built like a maze, however, the player is guided by the pawprints to the first objective of the tunnels, which is the ghost dog and another soldier ghost who tells Lily that the dog is searching for its owner but always returns sad from its trips. He reveals the dog to be a therapy dog, implying that he belonged to the soldier by the war memorial. However, just like the other soldier, this one also cannot be immediately helped. He is, however, more self-aware about it than the other soldier. In this dialogue he also talks about Lily’s uncle and how he used to come down here quite often, yet the reason is unclear to him. Moving on, the player explores the tunnels further and ultimately finds a strange door with symbols and a puzzle of sorts. Something there implies that the “key” to open this door is hidden in the tunnels. The player is therefore prompted to search the tunnels for this item. After finding the “key”, Lily is able to open the door. However, as soon as she opens the door, the game ends, leaving the player to speculate what lies beyond.
<!-- The information on the scope of the documentation is a rough guideline and varies depending on the game! -->
<!-- The information on the scope of the documentation is a rough guideline and varies depending on the game! -->

