Magescape: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
{{Infobox Computer- und Videospiel
{{Infobox Computer- und Videospiel
| Titel          = Magescape
| Titel          = Magescape
| Bild            =  
| Bild            = [[File:MagescapeLogo.png]]
| Entwickler      = Project: Magescape
| Entwickler      = Project: Magescape
| Publisher      =  
| Publisher      =  
Zeile 21: Zeile 21:

== The Apprentice ==
== Vision ==
In a small fantasy town, home to a band of wizards, an arcane accident occurs, ripping the town from its reality and transporting it into a futuristic world ruled by a cruel ''Regime''. The Regime is not happy about the arrival of the floating island that the town has become and they are particularly angered by the wizards and ''magical artefacts'' inside the town. So they attack, taking townsfolk prisoners, burning down houses and stealing the wizards' artefacts. You, an ''Apprentice'' of the arcane, is left behind with nothing. Nothing but your magical abilities in the making. So you decide to put everything at your disposal to use, infiltrating the facilities of the Regime, avoiding their security systems and getting your people and the artefacts back.
Magescape is a fast paced action-escape game, in which the player takes the mantle of a mage-turned-thief who has just been discovered by guards, moments after he tried to steal the treasure for which he had planned this heist. Now the player needs to control the mage and attempt to flee the caste grounds while dodging and destroying various guards and obstacles and making your way from the treasure room through the castle halls over the rooftops and into safety, all while being chased!

== Spells & Stealth ==
Assisting the mage on this chase is his control over ice and fire. The player could, for example, blast through a door blocking a path with a fireball, freeze a puddle to give him a speed boost and trip his foes or use his projectiles offensively against the castle guards.
In Rauberer you have to break into secret facilities, make your way to your target, be it an imprisoned companion or an artefact of your masters, and exfiltrate safely. You have neither strength nor dexterity, your only way to get past the Regimes cameras, guards and turrets is to use ''magical spells'', that you prepare before each ''quest''. After a briefing about the goal of your next quest you get to pick and choose the spells that you want to use to achieve it. Maybe you want to bring along a short range teleportation spell to move past a camera unseen, or you could use a shapeshifting spell to disguise yourself as a guard for a short time, or maybe you need a backup fireball in case things go awry?

But be careful! You can use a spell only as often as you have prepared it, so cast them wisely. At least you have a set of ''Cantrips'', spells that you can use all the time as often as you want.
While some guards and many obstacles lie ahead of the mage, there is even more danger pursuing him from behind in the form of the king's wizards casting their spells to stop the mage, whether they conjure a massive steel boulder eager to flatten the mage or fling fireballs themselves depends on the part of the castle that the player ends up finding themselves in.

== The Spell Book ==
== Game mechanics ==
The player has to constantly move forward throughout a level as he is trying to complete it as fast as possible, while on a tight time limit, because there is some dangerous environmental element behind him (a horde of guards, a massive metal ball, etc.) which will kill him if he remains too long in one spot. The player can also move from side to side as well as jump to dodge incoming obstacles, such as spikes, crates, small magical barriers or stationary enemies in his path. Additionally, if the player runs against a wall to his side, he will be slowed slightly.

=== Spells ===
The player has two types of magic at his disposal: ice magic, which is fired from the character’s left hand and fire magic, which is fired from the character’s right hand. When either one is used, a projectile shoots out from the respective hand, colliding with the environment or enemies it was aimed at. While enemies are usually simply killed when they are hit, magic that hits certain objects in the  environment may have various effects. Fire magic might melt an ice wall which stands in the player’s path while ice magic may freeze a small pond so that the player can take a shortcut across it.  
Spells have ''Levels'', the higher the level the more powerful a spell usually is. Since the Apprentice is still young and learning, they will begin their journey with only low-level spells in their spell book.  

=== Spell Slots ===
There are two types of enemies: melee and ranged. Melee enemies stand directly in the path of the player and try to stop his advance when he gets too close. They can potentially take multiple hits from the player’s spells without dying, however the player can potentially avoid them by simply moving around them. Ranged enemies may stand outside of the player’s course, but bombard him with projectiles of their own. They are, however, also a lot more squishy and usually die in one hit.
There is also ''spell slots''. Spell slots have levels too and represent the number of spells of each level that the Apprentice can prepare before a quest.

So the apprentice might have three spells of Level 2 in their spell book but only one spell slot of Level 2, meaning they can only equip one of those three spells on a quest.
== Description of a game level ==
While the final level will look different, there are elements that are sure to be included. Be it obstacles like ice walls and curtains that can be destroyed with fire or crates and pit traps making the mages way difficult as well as the guards armed with swords and axes or bows and crossbows ready to eliminate the intruder on sight.

=== Cantrips ===
=== Story ===
Cantrips on the other hand, once in the Apprentices spell book can be cast at will without preparation beforehand.
You’re a mage robber, who broke into an old castle, trying to steal a magical staff. However, you’re still severely lacking in your magical capabilities, and you are thus only able to use fire and ice magic. Despite all this, and without a single stealth spell in your arsenal, you tried to pull off this heist! Well, you are quite predictably caught red handed, but not before you managed to grab the magical staff you had longed for! With your limited skills, you’re now facing the challenge of escaping this castle filled with deadly traps and hostile guards. Your trusty horse is waiting outside for you - and it’s your only way to flee from this suboptimal situation - so you better be fast getting there!

=== Artefacts ===
== UI Scribbles ==
One artefact can be equipped for a quest. Artefacts are gained by stealing them back from the Regime in quests. These artefacts can grant all kinds of abilities. Some might give passive features that make your spells quieter or they might give access to an additional powerful spell.
If we find the time to do so, we'd love to have the main menu be the mage standing in front of his treasure like Indiana Jones ready to grab the goods, but as soon as the players presses "play" or "new game" torches ignite around the mage and the guards are alarmed. We then see the guards running towards us before we transition into first person view and the player gains control.

== Min to the Max ==
== Asset List ==
Starting a quest for the first time its map will be blank. But no matter if the Apprentice fails or succeeds, the newly discovered parts of the map will be sketched down in their book, so planning the route for another go will be easier.
* Environmental
Completing quests and using spells will yield ''XP'' which can lead to the Apprentice gaining levels. With new levels you can unlock new spells and cantrips as well as more spell slots.
** Crates
Bringing home artefacts unlocks them and you can equip up to one artefact for a quest. If you have already unlocked an artefact and complete its quest again the artefact grows stronger, increasing its power, duration or other stats.
** Castle Walls
Going back to an old quest can open up new possibilities for completing it. Maybe you want to find the perfect build to complete the quest even faster or even quieter. Or maybe you have just unlocked Magic Missile and just want to shoot some guys. Keep in mind though, that using powerful spells on easier quests will yield less XP.
** Tables
** Ramps
== Hush ==
** Floors
But you will not be able to just cast spells all willy nilly while sneaking through futuristic corridors. Your stealth has the number one priority and there's some things that make that tricky.
** Doors
** Stairs
=== Arcane Aura ===
** Rocks/Debris
Spells leave a magical trace when cast, called their ''Aura''. It is undetectable to most people but there are some who are able to detect Auras and, by extension, maybe the Apprentice. More powerful spells will leave stronger Auras, that are bigger and stay longer.
** Curtains
Fortunately the Apprentice also possesses the power to detect Auras, which is helpful when trying to find an artefact or a captured wizard.
** Pit
** Ice Walls
=== The Verbal Component ===
** Water Sources (Waterfall, leaking Pipes, Waterfall)
Some spells have a ''Verbal Component'', meaning the apprentice has to speak in order to cast it. As one might guess, this means that others might hear the Apprentice when they are casting a verbal spell.
* Decoration
** Buckets
=== Alarm ===
** Chandeliers and Candleholders
Once the Apprentice has drawn too much attention to themselves the facility will sound the alarms, prompting guards and other stronger forces to be called to the facility or turrets to be activated. The Alarm can not be stopped, from here on out it's either loose, get out and try again or rush to get the job done.
* Traps
** Hidden Spikes
** Jaw Spike Trap
** Fireball Trap
** Caltrops
** Giant Steel Ball
* Characters
** Mage
** Ranged Guard
** Melee Guard
** Wizard Guard
** Butlers (?)
* Other
** Fire and Ice Particles/Assets
** Arrows
** Indicators (Direction/Checkpoint)
* UI
** Buttons
** Enemy Indicator (how close are they behind the player)

Version vom 19. April 2022, 18:42 Uhr

StudioProject: Magescape
Summer 2022
GenreAction, Adventure
Allgemeine Informationen
Project Management, Game Design
Michael Plasser
Level Design, Sound
Jan Neuburger
Elias Wolschlager
Story, Art
Viktoria Moosleitner


Magescape is a fast paced action-escape game, in which the player takes the mantle of a mage-turned-thief who has just been discovered by guards, moments after he tried to steal the treasure for which he had planned this heist. Now the player needs to control the mage and attempt to flee the caste grounds while dodging and destroying various guards and obstacles and making your way from the treasure room through the castle halls over the rooftops and into safety, all while being chased!

Assisting the mage on this chase is his control over ice and fire. The player could, for example, blast through a door blocking a path with a fireball, freeze a puddle to give him a speed boost and trip his foes or use his projectiles offensively against the castle guards.

While some guards and many obstacles lie ahead of the mage, there is even more danger pursuing him from behind in the form of the king's wizards casting their spells to stop the mage, whether they conjure a massive steel boulder eager to flatten the mage or fling fireballs themselves depends on the part of the castle that the player ends up finding themselves in.

Game mechanics

The player has to constantly move forward throughout a level as he is trying to complete it as fast as possible, while on a tight time limit, because there is some dangerous environmental element behind him (a horde of guards, a massive metal ball, etc.) which will kill him if he remains too long in one spot. The player can also move from side to side as well as jump to dodge incoming obstacles, such as spikes, crates, small magical barriers or stationary enemies in his path. Additionally, if the player runs against a wall to his side, he will be slowed slightly.

The player has two types of magic at his disposal: ice magic, which is fired from the character’s left hand and fire magic, which is fired from the character’s right hand. When either one is used, a projectile shoots out from the respective hand, colliding with the environment or enemies it was aimed at. While enemies are usually simply killed when they are hit, magic that hits certain objects in the environment may have various effects. Fire magic might melt an ice wall which stands in the player’s path while ice magic may freeze a small pond so that the player can take a shortcut across it.

There are two types of enemies: melee and ranged. Melee enemies stand directly in the path of the player and try to stop his advance when he gets too close. They can potentially take multiple hits from the player’s spells without dying, however the player can potentially avoid them by simply moving around them. Ranged enemies may stand outside of the player’s course, but bombard him with projectiles of their own. They are, however, also a lot more squishy and usually die in one hit.

Description of a game level

While the final level will look different, there are elements that are sure to be included. Be it obstacles like ice walls and curtains that can be destroyed with fire or crates and pit traps making the mages way difficult as well as the guards armed with swords and axes or bows and crossbows ready to eliminate the intruder on sight.


You’re a mage robber, who broke into an old castle, trying to steal a magical staff. However, you’re still severely lacking in your magical capabilities, and you are thus only able to use fire and ice magic. Despite all this, and without a single stealth spell in your arsenal, you tried to pull off this heist! Well, you are quite predictably caught red handed, but not before you managed to grab the magical staff you had longed for! With your limited skills, you’re now facing the challenge of escaping this castle filled with deadly traps and hostile guards. Your trusty horse is waiting outside for you - and it’s your only way to flee from this suboptimal situation - so you better be fast getting there!

UI Scribbles

If we find the time to do so, we'd love to have the main menu be the mage standing in front of his treasure like Indiana Jones ready to grab the goods, but as soon as the players presses "play" or "new game" torches ignite around the mage and the guards are alarmed. We then see the guards running towards us before we transition into first person view and the player gains control.

Asset List

  • Environmental
    • Crates
    • Castle Walls
    • Tables
    • Ramps
    • Floors
    • Doors
    • Stairs
    • Rocks/Debris
    • Curtains
    • Pit
    • Ice Walls
    • Water Sources (Waterfall, leaking Pipes, Waterfall)
  • Decoration
    • Buckets
    • Chandeliers and Candleholders
  • Traps
    • Hidden Spikes
    • Jaw Spike Trap
    • Fireball Trap
    • Caltrops
    • Giant Steel Ball
  • Characters
    • Mage
    • Ranged Guard
    • Melee Guard
    • Wizard Guard
    • Butlers (?)
  • Other
    • Fire and Ice Particles/Assets
    • Arrows
    • Indicators (Direction/Checkpoint)
  • UI
    • Buttons
    • Enemy Indicator (how close are they behind the player)